for all the C.A's and trying to be C.A's....

plight of trying to be c.a' sympathiessss

(have been trying to put off writing on this topic for long..but today just cannot resist...)

how would i feel if i am a student entering the exam hall knowing that "fail toh hone ka chance full on hai",,how would i feel if i am an examiner and i have been told to flunk as many as possible, keep the bar tooo high, check too damn strictly and the future of the student rests in my hands?? welcome to the world of this famous, wanted, crazy, profession called  C.A...THEY SAY its the journey that matters towards the end,,true because this very journey seeems just never never ending ...

today in the morning the c.a. result came out.. once again hardly 15% would have passed..i had to check the result of my friend good news was it was my friend yashaswini's birthday today and she messaged me that she had cleared finally..was very happy for her...and then i typed random roll numbers and all i saw was some more..
kinda shock for me because this word "fail"- i have always tried to keep away from me as much as possible but when you see people close to you work hard and not get the desired does hurt a bit..
howwever,  i wont be the kind to talk about luck and chance coz i strongly feel if you have worked hard and IN THE RIGHT WAY, noone can stop you from suceeding.. what about the 15% who did clear..if they could, then so could you...

so i always thought it was tough to crack iim's, iit's, civil services exams but one could sail through c.a with some good efforts..? beyond them..because over the past few years i have come across this virus called C.A- chartered accountancy profession-one of the most sought after professions in our country but very rarely do i see or hear of it in the media.. while one part of the country is busy in taking up science and creating engineers out of their homes, there is a chunk--and mind you a very large chunk comprising equal number of boys and girls who visit the institute of chartered accountants of india each year with the dream of becoming a CA one day..and does that day come very soon? sorry more often than does not... !!!

in a large part of our country, those with commerce background,, usually take up and/or fill the form for CA.. though now the course curriculum and scheme has changed but the fact remains has a very very very low passing percentage.. when i took up law atleast i was assured of my degree..that i shall be getting it unless some divine intervention makes me flunk exams..but not just me most of our fields, or those doin mba's atleast know they shall complete it..but when it comes to this dreadful course..once u enter..there is just NO looking back.. and this i know from the fact that though i was myself doing bcom but never really got convinced to do it (was not found of finance and practical subjects) but have seen many around me , a lot of my friends, acquaintances, and my closest friends go through this torture as i best call it.. 

the institute says they want to take only the cream, the best of the lot, if they clear more students, then the value of the course shall diminish..also since the recession and the satyam fiasco the demand has reduced a bit and the government has become more stringent in their directives towards the institute to have tougher exams, tougher checking, and the ultimate sufferers are the poor students... endless list of subjects, numerous hours of coaching at centres all over india, 3 years of training in any office with meagre stipend (many times unpaid too), fill countless number of pages by the name of POSTALS- which is just a  cut copy paste of topics in the book..then exams every may and november, and by the time u have time to breathe ur result comes out u fail and then back to the grind again..

i have nothing against the fact that it is a tough should be.. after all once u become a c.a. there is a plethora of options and its upto you whether you make or mar your career.. but i just feel for the student..after doing the very same subject so many times and flunnking, wont the value of this very course diminish in his/her life??.. what i want to know is whether the study material given by the institute up to date? if they blame students for going for coaching then can they vouch for the fact that their material is good enough? fact is it is not..and one has to refer to various books, famous coaching institutes to the likes of ajai jain,  v g gupta, etc.. and it aint cheap tooo..
i just feel sad for the students.. if out of 20,000 say 10% pass that is 2000 then the rest have no option but to wait have patience and do better in the next shot...

i am no c.a to give any advice on how to clear the exams..infact sometimes i feel soo motivated to just join it for the heck of it to see and know what is the deal all about,, why is it sooo damn tough to clear..or is it that students are not getting the best direction ..specially those in the small town areas who have less access to internet, and other new technologies?? and if the demand is soo less..then its better to take in less students at the first instance so that the others can look for other options and avenues...

yes becoming a c.a. is a big deal..its a good deal for sure.. but if the journey is not at all worth remembering and so tiresome, and monotonous, then something should be done to address the grievance and plight of these students whose life career and future depends on certain examiners who are checking their answer sheets...
think about it...


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