fifa ends..cwg inches closer..wory for india all along..

last night was an amazing spectacular show organised by the south africans.. ofcourse everyone was awaiting the final match but the closing ceremony preceding it was worth being in africa and watching.. the use of lights colours graphics technology the way the show had been put up, i was just wondering what would india be doing when we have the commonwealth games here in delhi this october.. the state of affairs as it stands, on every road in delhi, there seems to be some construction..something dug up, or something about to be dug up.. metros, flyovers, road bridges, subways, so on and so forth.. visit the heart of delhi c,p someday and you would give ur eyes a this the connaught place i used to come to? would be the first reaction..
and then i wonder, is the government spending all its time and money on the display or is it even making sure we have a team of young and fit sportsmen and women who are going to atleast try and win some medals? after all we are  the host nation, our own players and athletes gotta be good and emerge winners more frequent than they usually do isnt it??

my third observation while i was watching fifa this whole month.. just look at the way the people just throng into their streets earing all sorts of weird and interesting clothes, with huge screens showing the matches, the enthusiasm, the passion they share for their country, yes for us cricket is our religion but if i sit and imagine myself standing in some open ground along with my friends, m most likely to experience some weird comments from weird guys, some stares and with the kind of image delhiites have after being touted as the most unsafe city for delhi girls which i completely agree with, i wait for this day when indians would celebrate such events, or for eg new years together with everyone without any fear...
i know things have been changing, this time at a lot of places matches were screened and everyone did enjoy too..but then it is sad when you have to choose a country from amongst a couple of football playing nations to be loyal too buy their jerseys and root for them coz..your very own country never really qualifies for the world cup.. if only we would move away from cricket a bit and focus on such games, as i do feel many guys do have a passion for football and if only the government could promote it would be good for the nation..

lastly, a word about yesterday's match.. i was neutral as germany was anyways not playing and initially i was even hoping for a dutch win but the way they played yesterday totally disgusted all of us i am did not feel like watching a good game at all..there was a rain of yellow cards, kicking, some more kicking, it was a do or die situation, win by hook or by crook, and seeing all that it was clear spain were clearly more deserving..n seeing casillas crying..and the happiness on their faces,,clearly..amazing...


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