i hope and wish

i wake up in the morning hoping for a better brighter day ahead,
for my morning cup of tea to give me the kick and clear my head
for the newspaper to have some more interesting news than cwg mess, leh floods and how many people dead,
for star world to show any damn episode of 'friends' while i hurriedly eat my bread

i leave the house hoping an autowallah just stops in front of the colony gate,
and spares me the pain and trouble of walking far and waiting for him, my everyday mate
i sit in the auto hoping the traffic jam to be tad less than what it was yesterday,
and for the weather to be cool, pleasant, not rain and spoil my way

i look outside, the roads filled and jammed up with people and vehicles till i can see,
cycles, bikes, cars, buses with men hanging from all over, i hope the public transport could be as good as it should be
i hope the famous BRT corridor was better planned and implemented than it was,and not left half undone,
atleast it would have saved me and others from standing and waiting forever for that light to turn green,and reach our destinations much soon

i wish the kids selling novels and books at these crossings and telling me their names could actually read and write,
and not waste away their entire childhood and youth in such misery and plight
when i take a left from oberoi hotel towards india gate the scenario  suddenly changes i begin to look more closely,
i wish and hope that delhi could be as beautiful, clean and well organised throughout and not just this part of the city

i look at the plush huge sparkling white bungalows on my left and right, oh so wonderful,
i wish and recall telling to my friend, hey one day i am going to own such a house, i wish just anyone could do the needful :)
i reach my office in few minutes from there, taking the lift till the 14th floor i recall my tasks of the day hoping my day goes well,
and this is how the first few hours of my morning are spent, i hope to god my wishes ring a bell.....


  1. Although, Metro commuters have only one wish in the morning, let there be a space in metro, dont fill one boogie with the number of people who are supposed to fill the whole train....... n one prayer, God please help in controlling India's population because only you can do it .......


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