in memory of someone.... This one is a tribute for my friend, for someone who went away unexepected and went away too soon for us colleagues to realise. For someone who had so much of life ahead of him, but who unfortunately left without saying goodbye to all of us, without saying anything to us. I had been thinking of writing for him, about him a long time, but everytime I tried to pen down my thoughts, words somehow failed me. Trust me this wasn’t easy, It took me almost an year but finally I took it upon and felt this would be an ideal time as its been one year since he left all of us. It was the same month of march one year back, the colourful festival of holi ,with everyone in the festival mood. While each of us here was making plans of how to celebrate the festival with joy and sweets, he was fighting the biggest battle of his life in a small room in a hospital in Mumbai. We were getting regular updates about him since he had left town for his treatment. I guess ...
Showing posts from March, 2014